What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Printable Version

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What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Cassie78 - 01-24-2011

I see clearly that self-preservation is a strong motivation for religions to lie to us - regardless of whether what they claim is true or not, they have to have followers to survive. But, I don't see any motivation for atheists to lie to theists. So, what motivation would atheists have to lie to theists?

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Fritzie - 01-24-2011

We don't lie.

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Dru987 - 01-24-2011

None that I can think of.

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Minnie - 01-24-2011

The same motivations anyone has to lie to anyone else. To prove a point or ignorance or win the argument or whatever.

Example: Not long ago there was an atheist here representing the flawed Tripoli Treaty was written by George Washington. After I laughed, I proved it was written by Libyans in Arabic, she insisted she was right. Too funny.

Certainly you are not suggesting the faithless do not lie, are you? That would make you a hypocrite and I dont think of you as hypcritical as your peers.

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Vivi - 01-24-2011

To lead them to the lake of fire obviously.

Didn't you get the memo?

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Dree4 - 01-25-2011

Simple what we say is true.

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Evie98 - 01-25-2011

If an atheist wanted to serve as a highly elected politician, an atheist would have to lie and say they were a Christian for political expediency.

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Lettie - 01-25-2011


We become Tele Evangelists, and fleece the flock.

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Billie78 - 01-25-2011

Its very hard for me to lie.

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Fifi11 - 01-25-2011

before reading your explanation i say self preservation, but its religious people i see mainly trying to kill others though.

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - AbbyF - 01-25-2011

Herd mentality. Atheists aren't immune to it. We all feel better about our beliefs if we're among an ever larger community that shares and validates our beliefs.

I think atheists are less susceptible to it, but not immune.

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Emme76 - 01-25-2011

I guess you could say atheists could lie to "be right" but if atheists knew they were wrong, but lied to "be right" wouldn't they just be christians because more people would believe them? I find the closer my knowledge and opinions actually align with truth and reality, the more unpopular I get, and the less credible I seem to people.
Believe me, if I wanted people to think I was "right" I wouldn't be an atheist. I'm an atheist because it is right.

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Jaz34 - 01-25-2011

I dont believe atheists are liars, I do believe they are misinformed.

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Maisie - 01-25-2011

I don't think most atheists see it as lying. They think they have a better grasp of reality. It just so happens that people of any creed or lack thereof are bigoted. For every bigot theist there is a bigot atheist. Don't let them get to you, all bigot are just talking out of their azzholes. Besides, not all religions even accept God as real. I am a Buddhist, and I follow Buddhism's right view of at least considering the possibility of literal rebirth. But I also don't believe in God. Am I still an atheists?

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Tessie4 - 01-25-2011

You are born a liar. That settles it.

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Edie65 - 01-25-2011

Uh...self-preservation ? Assuming that we are lying, which, by your question, is a necessary assumption, we'd be wrong about God. Now, for whatever reason we chose to lie about God, it's still a reason that's quite dear to us, obviously, since we'd be going to Hell, so we wouldn't want for the theists to thin our ranks, and, conversely, we'd want our own ranks to grow (by feeding on theirs). So, self preservation.

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - AbbyF - 01-25-2011

As someone that was once an atheist myself, I believe atheists wont see the bigger picture. I dont believe they are more ignorant than a christian, however, when it comes to spiritual things, they get an F, and a C for Buddhist atheists that at least bother with trying to be spiritual.

Re: What motivation would atheists have to lie to theists? - Liv - 01-25-2011

They don't have any motivation to lie.
That explains why they don't.
Empirical data can be generated by anyone.