What sport is the most different in HD compared to regular cable? - Printable Version

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What sport is the most different in HD compared to regular cable? - Cassie78 - 01-25-2011

What sport do you think looks the best in HD compared to what it looks like in standard definition? I'm personally torn between football and baseball, but I have a friend who recently told me he thought Hockey was the biggest difference.

Re: What sport is the most different in HD compared to regular cable? - Lottie - 01-25-2011

Hockey for sure

Re: What sport is the most different in HD compared to regular cable? - Daisy5 - 01-25-2011

Football. Definitley. Especially if your television has 120Hz frame rate.

Re: What sport is the most different in HD compared to regular cable? - Sasha45 - 01-26-2011

football. widescreen rocks

Re: What sport is the most different in HD compared to regular cable? - Lou - 01-26-2011

I think its hockey. With regular cable sometimes it gets difficult to follow the puck unless you have a monster TV, in HD the ice is such a bright white that the puck sticks out great. Football looks awesome too though, the grass is so bright and the images are so much sharper.

Re: What sport is the most different in HD compared to regular cable? - Kat1245 - 01-26-2011

Let me preface by saying that all HD Sports look amazing in comparison to standard tv. However the major networks have invested the most amount of money in HD technology for Football, which makes sense because it's the most popular sport in America. So technically it's football - and personally I also think it looks the best.