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Dreams and their meaning - Laurentine - 12-22-2009

There are a lot of books which contains signification of our dreams. For example if you saw a bride in your dream that's means a transition or transformation. Crossing a boundary, or getting from one situation to another. A place where change takes place.
Do you know another symbols and it's significance?

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Dead body: changes, desire for change, the end of a state or a stage, venture to the unknown; a new state of affairs,you are worried of something that is about to happenworrying, ; (mutilated) trauma, great emotional turmoil, emotions, worry, trouble, fear, bad news.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

PRESENT: flattery, obligations that require to be honored, reconciliation attempt, loaded social life, need to be taken into account, to draw attention to you, affection; (receiving) feedback, recognition of merits, good words, friendship, reconciliation, acceptance, luck, surprises, happy time, satisfaction, reward; gain (not necessarily material, more personal), evolution, progress, success, achievement.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

TRAVEL: desire for change, evolution, progress, relaxation, sleep, change in the way of expression or communication, accumulation of new knowledge, passing from one phase or state of affairs to another; (on different vehicles) ; poor communication with others, misunderstandings; (alone) wish to spend some time just for you, loneliness, isolation, fear against the world; (within an unknown area) changes, without knowing where you head; (in sea and calm water) minor changes on emotional level; (a very small vehicle) inability to make you understand, poor communication with others, shyness, excitability increased, self-depreciation, underestimation of their qualities.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Watch: organization, order, discipline, obligations, deadlines, anxiety about the approach of a moment, fear of old age, anxiety about the time going by; the need to move to action, to initiate.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Cemetery: loss of hope, no confidence in the future, fear of failure, obstacles; dissatisfaction, disinterest, fear of going forward, fear of action, sadness, ; (at night) anxiety, fears, rumors, final stage, the fear of starting a new phase; (during daytime) curiosity, need to face danger or difficulties, intense emotions; risk getting infected of a disease.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

MARRIAGE: assumption of new responsibilities, cooperation, collaboration, new relationships, commitment, engagement in new projects; (unless you're married) desire for accomplishme, responsibilities; (if you're married) escape, flee from responsibility, problems within the couple, difficulties in cooperating and communicating with others, need to get deeply involved.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Dog: loyalty, faith, submission, obedience, docility, kindness, work capacity, resistance to effort, honesty, adaptability, humility, conscientiousness, exemplary honesty, loyalty; (chuckling dog) sympathy, friendship, good relations, understanding, harmony; (sad or hurt dog) abuses, injustices, difficulties; (baby dog) joy, no worries, friends, happy time throughout the relational and social.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

CHILD: can be your "alter ego", innocence, need of being protected, vulnerability, fragility, simplicity, natural things, simple, uncomplicated, sincere, immaturity, lack of worry, fear of responsibility, desire to keep your innocence;

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

CHRISTMAS: (holidays) success, protection, care, safety, joy, fun, fun time with friends and family, desire to rejoin family members, surprises, beautiful memories; (Santa Claus) help friends, protection, recognition of merit, desire to be protected / appreciated / rewarded.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Drinking: (water) need to get involved in a sentimental relationship, need to be loved; (alcohol) ignoring emotional relationships, repressed emotionality, inability to love; (other liquids) delusion of love; romantic relationships misleading or dangerous, rally forces, healing, recovery forces (a refrain from drinking) frustration, repression of emotions, inability to express your feelings.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

JEWELRY: something precious, rare, especially for you, important values; (for men) wealth, comfort, wealth, big personal and professional ambitions; acquisitions, fight for possession; (for women) pleasure, affection, tenderness, attention; (not genuine) mistaken, lying, insincere love, dishonest business partners, need to reassess principles.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

BLOCKED: (something blocked, without having the key for unlocking it) barriers, inability to act, the period of immobility, lack of ideas, solutions, delays, interruptions, obstacles in the evolution of an event without having the possibility to control it; (to block something knowingly) desire for security, insurance against the hazard.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Hole (in something) revised error, waste of energy, loss of important resources on trifles or unimportant things; (in clothes) impaired image, requiring a total change, need to create a better image of yourself; (dark or deep) fear against the unknown/unpredictable.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Bug: disgust, feeling of rejection, horror, difficult period of life subject to many unpleasant changes, the need for rest, withdrawal from life agitation, need for physical and mental refreshment; tendency to neglect your own person and compromise yourself. :ange

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Grates: (on a window or door) strict limits, difficult obstacles to pass, unable to break some rules, limited freedom, personal complexes, limits imposed by your own lack of inspiration; (behind bars) prison; (cutting or moving trough grates) desire to get rid of some obstacles or restrictions, seeking independence.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Pregnant (if you are pregnant) you are looking at the possibility of having a child, however you feel fear, panic, limited freedom, loss of independence; (another woman) ideas, responsibility, imagination, inspiration, greater resources to achieve desired results, creativity.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Garbage: need for order and purification, the release of unnecessary feelings and things, need to forget issues from past, mature, the need to rehabilitate your image or reputation.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Fence: (to climb it up) obstacles, problems, unability to continue an action; (fence surrounding an incompletely closed space) constraints, limited freedom of action or expression; ( fence surrounding a space, completely closed without possibility of exiting it however feeling calm) protection, excessive caution, need to rest.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Big: (when a thing in your dream is bigger than in reality) element of context that draws attention to the possibilities of evolution of things, something you have to pay attention to and that may shock you; the repercussions of the current situation, possible future developments of a situation, need to gain experience.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

EDGE: (something found on the edge) an element in your life that may be stay unnoticed ; (something heading for an edge) risk, unconsciousness, loss of control or direction, warning of imminent danger, an alarm preventing a wrong or dangerous situation (someone standin at the edge of the roadside) shyness, confidence in own abilities, self-criticism, censorship, frustration, marginalization, abandonment, anxiety, periods of confusion.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Broom: lack of respect, inability to overcome your principles, you're not feeling well treated by others; an empty feeling against someone; (to sweep) need to do order, to reorganize the structure (scavenger) indigence, lack of horizon, uncertainty in own abilities, inferiority complex.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Lie: (to tell a lie) escape, fear to assume their own opinions, a dart of guilt, the fear to be followed, the tendency of self-delusion, vain illusions, the lack of contact with reality, idealism; (another tells a lie) credulity, vulnerability, influence ability, need to better analyze the reality.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

Grave: the end of an issue; hidden problems, suppression of attitudes, fear against defects or reveals; hidden talents, frustrations, strong need for oblivion, for deployment, for starting new courses in life; (open) effects of the past that still affects you; (closed) memories from the past, issues recently concluded, cases completed.

Re: Dreams and their meaning - M.Helen - 12-22-2009

MORGUE: a contextual element that focuses on individual memories; things forgotten from the past, that might return to present day, revived issues, need to analyze past actions, to draw some conclusions that will build the further road to future; review of the past.